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But did you Bring Your MICCC?
Money • Image • Crew • Curiosity • Creativity
The E-book
This book is the first in the series designed to help young people successfully transition into adulthood.
This interactive book on money provides activities for young people to prepare themselves through work and volunteer experience, practice interviews and thank-yous, ask for letters of recommendation, create a budget, consider credit, and learn about the role of money in special situations such as travel, dating, and getting an apartment.
Available on Amazon and Smashwords and Barnes & Noble.
“What a wonderful book. A practical, sensible guide for those transitioning from living at home and entering the real world.” -Island Boy
The Workbook
This is a workbook designed to provide a skeleton of information that each young person can customize in order to fit her/his specific needs. It requires careful consideration and mental practice on the part of the reader.
The book is designed to guide the reader through the experience so that at the end, each person has a unique portfolio of their skills and the first steps in a life plan as they transition into adulthood.
Available in print on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.
The E-book and Workbook
This workbook is the second in the Bring Your MICCC series. If it can be summed up in three words, they are: Strive, Struggle, Evolve!
This book shows young people how to fail well and grow from failures while providing activities to develop self-confidence, and assists the young person in organizing his or her thoughts, beliefs, and feedback from others as the young person establishes the culture he or she will carry into adulthood.
Available at and Barnes & Noble.
The MICCC Scholarship
A portion of paid book sales from the Bring Your MICCC series, both e-books and workbooks, will go to fund a scholarship for students who have demonstrated growth, coachability, and an active role in being mentored.